For some reason or another for more than 50% of people with asthma have symptoms of sinus or nasal symptoms of some kind. Often the symptoms of allergic nature, and can be run molds, animal dander, pests, pollen, or moisture. If you have chronic inflammation in the nose and sinus problems can cause asthma symptoms. It is unknown how asthma can trigger sinus infections or sinus problems, and scientists are still working on it. What causes asthma is one of the mysteries and puzzles that affect many sinus infections and asthma sufferers.
One possibility is that something in the diet causes sinus and asthma symptoms, in other words - the same food source. People on vegan diets experience less problems with the sinuses. One possibility is that postnasal drip (sinus drainage going down the back of your neck) drain into the lower airways leading to increased inflammation and hyper-reactivity. Asthma may deteriorate if the nasal obstruction causes you to breathe through your mouth. This can cause loss of heat and moisture in the lower respiratory tract.
While the scientists determine what exactly is the connection between asthma and asthma and sinusitis, sinus infections and sinus problems you want to make sure and do everything they can to control or eliminate sinus problems. That way you can be in a good position to control and manage 50% of asthma problems only by removing the known causes of sinus problems and sinus infections.
Management of sinus problems, you should be able to experience fewer asthma attacks, and can actually get to the reason that you have asthma, and sinus issues, especially by changing your diet says the raw food diet or raw vegan diet. This would eliminate the milk, which has long been suspected and meat, cereals (which can cause disease gluten in wheat, pir, barley, rye, etc.), and wheat was the most allergic foods there. And there are other highly allergic foods taken into account.
People have been cured of asthma, it does not necessarily have to be a life sentence. Many children have outgrown it. If you start today to work on getting rid of all the causes of sinus problems in your life just can not stop asthma for good. Sinus medications are not the answer and can interfere with medications or inhalers for asthma May you be getting. Antibiotics are no longer routinely prescribed for most sinus infections caused by fungus or mold, not bacteria. There are good natural home remedies for sinus infections that do.